22 Jul 2014

monthly member minute // OMRI DRUMELVICH

name: omri drumelvich
age: 22
profession: dancer 

it's always nice having a dancer around, especially a sweetheart of a dancer. there's something about the way they move - their elegance and awareness of their surroundings. bottom line, we love having omri around. 

<<< share a minute with omri >>>

where are you from?
> I'm from Ramat-Rachel, a kibbutz just outside jerusalem

how did you hear of hastudia?
> I heard of hastudia through my friend Gil Shachar, a fellow dance buddy.

what do you do?
In life, I'm a professional dancer, dancing for bat sheva dance company.
At hastudia, I work mainly with wood, but I like getting inspired by people's "junk" and making it my treasure.

are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I'm an introverted extrovert. And vice versa. 

what's your favorite tool?
I get along with the jigsaw ;) But love those carving tools.

anything else?
I love hastudia mainly because it drives my creativity, pushing me to learn more and to find more life in something that someone already declared 'dead'.
And the satisfaction I get once I'm done with a project is irreplaceable.

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